7 worst habits that are causing acne

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Ever wondered why acne keeps showing up? Surprisingly, it might be our daily habits that are to blame. This article reveals the bad habits that can cause acne so you can make better choices for clearer, healthier skin.

Acne is a common skin condition characterized by the formation of pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, cysts, and nodules. It usually occurs on areas of the skin with a high density of oil glands, such as the face, chest, and back.

Sometimes, the things we do every day can make our skin have breakouts. Even habits that seem okay might be making it more worse. This article talks about these habits and how they can affect our skin and cause pimples. We’ll look at simple things we can change to have clearer skin. Let’s learn about the surprising habits that might be making your skin not so happy.

1. Eating oily and processed food

Eating oily and processed foods can cause pimples because they make our skin produce more oil. When our skin makes too much oil, it can clog the pores. Clogged pores can lead to break outs.

Also, these kinds of foods don’t have many of the good nutrients that our skin needs to stay healthy. To encourage clear, healthy skin, it is advisable to choose a diet high in natural, nutrient-dense foods.

oily food

2. Drinking less water

Not drinking enough water can lead to acne because water helps flush out toxins from our body. When we’re dehydrated, these toxins can build up and affect our skin. Plus, water keeps our skin hydrated and looking its best. So, it’s important to drink an adequate amount of water to help prevent pimples and keep our skin healthy.

drinking water to prevent acne

3. Not covering face while going out

When you cover your face with a mask, it’s like giving your skin a shield. This shield helps keep bad stuff like dust and pollution away. These things can block your pores and can cause breakouts.

Also, the mask or a scarf protects your skin from the sun, which can make acne worse. If you put skincare stuff on your face, the mask keeps it safe from getting wiped away. So, wearing a scarf is like giving your skin an extra layer of defense when you’re outside.

4. Oiling hair excessively

Excessive use of hair oil can exacerbate acne, particularly along the forehead and sides of the face. The excess oil from the hair can transfer onto the skin, leading to clogged pores. This occlusion, combined with natural skin oils and environmental impurities, creates a breeding ground for pimple-causing bacteria.

Additionally, regular cleansing of the face and scalp can help prevent acne breakouts related to excessive hair oiling.

5. Using unclean towels

Dirty towels carry bacteria, oils, and irritants. When used on the face, they transfer these impurities, clogging pores and causing pimples. Sweat and residues on unwashed towels can irritate sensitive skin. Damp towels create a breeding ground for fungi, leading to skin inflammation. Excess oil from unwashed towels worsens pore blockage, contributing to breakouts.

Regular washing (preferably after each use), using gentle detergents, and allowing proper drying are crucial. Having separate towels for the face and using a gentle drying technique also helps maintain clean, healthy skin, preventing pimples.

6. Scrubbing your face aggressively

Scrubbing your face too aggressively can contribute to the development of pimples or exacerbate existing acne. When you scrub your face too hard, it can irritate the skin and disrupt its natural protective barrier. This can lead to increased inflammation, redness, and can even cause micro-tears in the skin.

Additionally, aggressive scrubbing can stimulate the production of more oil, which can further clog pores and lead to breakouts. It’s important to be gentle when cleansing your face, especially if you have sensitive or acne-prone skin.

face scub

7. Sleeping with makeup on

Sleeping with makeup on can contribute to the development of pimples. Makeup can mix with the natural oils, sweat, and environmental pollutants on your skin, creating a breeding ground for bacteria.

Additionally, makeup can also block your skin’s ability to shed dead skin cells properly. When these cells accumulate on the surface, they can mix with the oils and bacteria, leading to further breakouts.

sleeping with makeup on

How to reduce Acne?

1) Cleanse your face
2) Apply Moisturize and Sunscreen
3) Keep yourself Hydrated
4) Don’t squeeze acne
5) Consult a dermatologist

Can a person inherit acne?

Yes, there can be a genetic component to acne, so it is possible for a person to inherit a predisposition to developing acne. If your parents or close relatives had acne, you may be more prone to experiencing it yourself..

Is it possible to manage hormonal acne?

Yes, hormonal acne can be managed but can’t be cured
Have a consistent Skincare Routine
Manage stress
Use moisturizer even if you have oily skin
Avoid scrubbing
If acne persists or is severe, seek guidance from a dermatologist

How to reduce Acne scars?

Regular exfoliation
Protect skin from sun
Apply creams or gels with ingredients like retinoids or vitamin C
Apply aloe vera for its soothing and healing properties

See more about health

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