Understanding the spectrum: AUTISM; 10 Symptoms, Misconceptions, Recommendation.

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Autism is a type of variant in a human brain. Autism is a spectrum condition, meaning it manifests in different ways in individuals. It shapes how a person perceives the world and interacts with others. A condition related to brain development that impacts how a person perceives and socializes with others, causing difficulties with social interaction and communication.

ASD is classified as a neurological and developmental disorder affecting perception, socialization, and other aspects of life. Symptoms present differently in each person which is why we say that autism is a spectrum.

The term “spectrum” in Autism Spectrum Disorder refers to the wide range of symptoms and severity. Autism spectrum is an umbrella term used to describe a range of conditions.


  1. You can’t just grow out of Autism– Many people believe that children can grow out of autism with age or they’ll forget about it one day. Autism is a ling life condition which remains till death of a person , however the person can develop some coping strategies to survive. Autism cannot be cured but they can thrive by developing strategies and receiving support.
  2. Autistic people can’t have empathy – It is believed that people on spectrum can’t feel empathy. however, they have a great deal of empathy. Autism can affect a person’s ability to understand emotional cues but when emotions are delivered properly and directly , there is a greater chance that children and adults can feel empathy more than a normal person can do.
  3. Autistic people doesn’t like making friends- Social interactions difficulties and anxieties can be considered as a struggle in making friends, but this doesn’t mean they lack the desire to make friends or they can’t maintain friendships.
  4. All autistic people are the same- Autism is a considered as a spectrum, meaning it affects individuals differently. Autism encompasses a wide range of traits and behaviors. Each person have their own combination of strengths and strategies on challenges.
  5. Autism is caused by vaccinations- So many studies have proven that Autism is not caused by the vaccination.
  6. Autism is a result of bad parenting– This is not proven that parenting styles and environmental factors can cause autism. Considering the neurodevelopmental & genetic components of autism can empower families, minimize stigma, and promote acceptance.
  7. Autistic people can’t have romantic relationships- Many people on spectrum have romantic relationships. Not everyone chooses to be in a romantic relationship but it doesn’t mean they aren’t capable to be in one.
  8. Autistic people are more aggressive- It is assumed that people on spectrum are violent, however, there is no evidence that has proven the statement that autistic people are more aggressive than other people . They have their own way of expressing or behaving ; by understanding and providing a safe environment will lead to better outcomes.
  9. Autistic people have advanced skills – It is assumed that people on spectrum are extra smart and outstanding. Not all people on spectrum have advanced skills. LET’S assume 10% of autistic people have skills like mathematics, understanding science or drawing that are of extraordinary ability, but its not same for all. Some might even face challenges on learning basic things.
  10. All autistic people have intellectual disability- Some people on spectrum have intellectual disability and some don’t. Just because they have difficulty in communicating doesn’t mean they have the disability. You just have to find a different way. Many individuals can be very smart and capable in some domains
  11. Only boys can be autistic-It is misunderstood that only boys can be diagnosed with autism. Girls can also have neurodevelopmental condition.
  12. Autism is a mental illness– The people on spectrum are not mentally ill, they are just diagnosed with a condition that affects the development of brain.

Sometimes they are experiencing selective mutism . Autistic people feel emotions very intensively, and this also includes anxiety. WHILE Anxiety isn’t explicitly mentioned in the DMS-5(diagnostic criteria for autism ) its estimated that over half of all autistic people experience high levels of anxiety on a regular basis.

Autism symptoms you didn’t recognize

Autism is pattern of differences, and not just one or two things. Autism prefers to plan things in advance so that nothing could go wrong. These symptoms may lead to severe autism.

  • PERFECTIONISM- wants things to be “just right”.
  • Sensory sensitivities- heightened sensitivity to lights, sounds, or textures
  • Practices conversations beforehand.
  • Strong memory for small details – exhibits deep knowledge and focus on a few specific interests.
  • Alexithymia -It’s called emotional blindness. They don’t know how they feel.
  • Difficulty interpreting body language and social cues
  • Have low social battery
  • Repetitive behaviors
  • Selective mutism
  • Focused interests


Early diagnosis is important for children as they can get the support they need to overcome the difficulties and develop strengths.

  • No smiling or happy expression on by 6 months old
  • No mimicking sound or expression by 9 months old
  • No babbling in 12 months
  • No response to name by 12 months
  • NO gestures like waving or pointing by 14 months
  • No first words by 16 months
  • Loss of language [any age]


Levels are based on a person’s strength and limitations in regards to their ability to communicate, adapt to new situations & manage daily life. They especially indicate how much support an autistic person needs with their respective diagnosed levels.


LEVEL 1 ASD – This is most ,mildest and high functioning form of autism. In this level they require some support to navigate social situations and daily routines. they may have difficulties in social communication such as maintaining eye contact or understanding non-verbal cues. Here are the classifications of symptoms based on their difficulties to make you understand better.

  • Social Communication- They may struggle a little to initiate and maintain conversations. They can speak full sentences but have trouble engaging in back and forth conversations which leads to trouble in making friends.
  • Repetitive Behaviors-They might engage in some repetitive behaviors but are usually able to adapt to change and may not face difficulties and struggle over adaption or change in their daily routines.
  • Daily Functioning- They might need a little support in planning and organizing. But they can easily cope up with their daily life with some assistance.

LEVEL2 ASD– This level is all about requiring substantial support. They have more obvious problems with verbal and social communication than those diagnosed with level 1. They need help and support to participate in social interactions and cope with daily life. Here are the classifications of symptoms based on their difficulties to make you understand better.

  • Social Communication-They require more support to participate in social interactions. They rely on alternative form of communication such as pictures or sign languages.
  • Repetitive Behaviors- They tend to have narrow interest and might engage themselves in repetitive behaviors making it difficult to function in certain situations.
  • Daily Functioning-They need assistance and support to complete their daily cues.

LEVEL 3 ASD- This is rthe most severe form of autism. Children in this category will manifest many of the same behaviors as those with level 1& 2,but to more extreme degree, Children in this category may face many hard challenges in coping up with their daily lives. Here are the classifications of symptoms based on their difficulties to make you understand better.

  • Social Communication-They face significant challenges in social interactions. They may struggle to engage others and sometimes even fail to respond to interactions.
  • Repetitive Behaviors- Intense interests/fixations and repetitive behaviors are often seen in people diagnosed with level 3 autism. Changes in routines can lead to major distress and uncomfortableness.
  • Daily Functioning-They need extreme support to navigate their daily lives. Sometimes, they require an specific environment to function.

The level a person is assigned when they are first diagnosed can shift as they develop and refine social skills. On being assigned one of three levels of autism can be useful for understanding how high or low functioning someone is likely to be and determining what type of services and support will serve them best.

Although the ASD level of support are useful for indicating where an autistic person falls on the spectrum regarding severity, they have significant limitations. They can be subjective and lacking in nouns and the dsm-5 offers little specificity regarding the types of support indicated or situations is needed .


  • Genetic factors
  • Environmental behaviors
  • Age of parents
  • Neurobiological factors

THE GOOD DOCTOR- An American TV show

In this series, the main lead Dr. Shaun Murphy; diagnosed with autism always has trouble connecting with people due to his inability to communicate properly and clearly. In this show he surprises everyone with his skills and techniques in the San Jose St. Bonaventure Hospital unit where he recently moved after the death of his brother and pets. Shaun’s more firm way of understanding the world impresses everyone .

He exhibits an admirable level of honesty in the show. Despite some doctors at the hospital rejecting him as a board member and questioning his ability to practice medicine, Shaun employs his remarkable medical talents to save lives and confront the doubts of his peers.

Shaun’s character offers visibility by showcasing his unique strength and intelligence despite of suffering from a disorder. The series highlights the struggles and hurdles of a person diagnosed with autism. This show aims to spread awareness about Autism Spectrum Disorder by showcasing each and every quality an autistic person can attain and proving that people on spectrum can live a normal life. The writers of this show also highlight the experiences by portraying relatable situations and complex characters. During this entire show the writers tried to express and encourage the discussions about people on spectrum.

The viewers absolutely loved the show and appreciated the actors and the whole crew . Shaun’s remarkable journey not only entertained but inspires conversations and actions about acceptance for the people on spectrum. Understanding autism requires empathy and education.

Recommended Books on Autism

The top three recommendation for books on autism are:


What is autism shutdown?

A shutdown can be caused by the same things as meltdown. For example; change , demands, lack of sleep, difficulty regulating emotions, sensory overload, under stimulation , difficulties identifying emotions or needs etc.
While during the meltdown the stress makes the whole system as if it’s freezed.

Can Autism get worse with age ?

Autism is a lifelong disability. It is more complicated than to say that autism gets ‘worse ’or ‘better’ or time. Autistic people may find that their autistic traits get more intense or more difficult to cope with over time. Equally, other or district people may find that they are better able to manage their autistic traits as their life circumstances change. Autism is not considered a degenerative disability like Alzheimer’s or multiple sclerosis.

Does autism runs in a family?

Does autism runs in a family ?

Research has suggested that Autism is related to genetics, meaning that it does run in families. For example, when one identical twin is autistic, there is an 80% chance that the other two are also autistic. identical twins share the same gene. In comparison, fraternal twins only share half of the  same genes. When one twin is autistic, there is a 40% chance that the other two will also be autistic.
Sometimes parents may only realize that they are autistic when their children are diagnosed same gene. In comparison, fraternal twins only share half of the  same genes. When one twin is autistic, there is a 40% chance that the other two will also be autistic.
Sometimes parents may only realize that they are autistic when their children are diagnosed.

Is autism curable?

is autism curable

No, autism is not curable moreover its considered as a condition that affects person’s way to see the worlds and reflect to it. A person on spectrum can develop coping strategies and overcome struggle if provided the right attention and support.

Vaniya Sheikh

Hi, I’m Vaniya Sheikh, and I’m diving into the world of writing as a new content creator in the health and psychology niche. My goal is to create relatable and informative content. As I navigate this journey, I want to share what I learn and already looking forward to learning and growing alongside my readers.

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