K-12 Education in Dehradun- Importance, Scope, Future

k-12 Education in Dehradun enables us to navigate through an ever changing world. It challenges us, it empowers us to challenge stereotypes, embrace diversity and build indusive communities where everyone has opportunity to thrive. It is the passport to a fulfilling career enabling us to pursue our passion.
k-12 Education in dehradun stands for a well-founded and innovative learning culture and training with high academic standards. The individual promotion of personality development and a strong community with a variety of cultures and languages are reflected in the educational ideal of the school. the school forms a strong community of values that is characterized by openness, respect, commitment and commitment.
Importance of k-12 education in student’s life
As students we are the torch bearers of our future. We have the power to shape the world with our ideas, our action. Embracing education not just means to achieve success but as a life long journey to self-discovery and growth.
Today we live in a world of technology, where internet spins a web of inter-connectivity around the globe. Through internet more than fifty million people in countries around the world have been connected in k-12 education in India. Internet was evolved in 1969, under the project named ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) to connect computers at different universities and U.S. defence. Soon after the people from different backgrounds such as engineers, scientists, students and researchers started using the network for exchanging information and messages. In 1990s the internet working of ARPANET, NSFnet and other private networks resulted into Internet.
Therefore, Internet is a ‘global network of computer networks’. It comprises of millions of computing devices that carry and transfer volumes of information from one device to the other. Desktop computers, mainframes, GPS units, cell phones, car alarms, video game consoles, are connected to the Net. 2 Information and Computer Technology.
Similarly We write multiple blogs on education which is actually a best part of imparting knowledge. What is blog ? let;s see :
A blog, short for ‘web log’ is a modern online writer’s column. A blog is a web site like any other, but it is intended to offer personal opinions of people on their hobbies, interests, commentaries, photo blogs, etc.
k-12 education in Dehradun
Education In Dehradun
Keeping in view of multiple aspects of school k-12 Education in dehradun we have categorised schooling in today’s demand which is resourceful and to bring the students at the cutting edge of the technology.
Best k-12 education Resources
Kendriya Vidhayala Sangathan believes in imparting a value based knowledge and nurturing the talent, enthusiasm and creativity of its students for seeking excellence through high-quality educational endeavours.
In view of the k-12 Education in dehradun Smaller class sizes allow teachers to give students more individual attention. This is especially important for students who need extra help or who are gifted and talented.
The Mission and Key Objectives of KVS
- To cater to the educational needs of children of transferable Central Government employees including Defence and Para-military personnel by providing a common programme of education;
- To pursue excellence and set the pace in the field of school education;
- To initiate and promote experimentation and innovations in education in collaboration with other bodies like the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) etc.
- To develop the spirit of national integration and create a sense of “Indianness” among children.
- To provide, establish, endow, maintain, control and manage schools, hereinafter called the ‘Kendriya Vidyalaya’ for the children of transferable employees of the Government of India, floating population and others including those living in remote and undeveloped locations of the country and to do all acts and things necessary for providing a conducive atmosphere in schools.

The Kendriya Vidyalayas are run by the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, an autonomous body formed by the Ministry of Education (H.R.D) Govt. of India, New Delhi. As a result of the recommendations of the second Pay Commission of Central Govt. Employees including Defence Personnel and floating population liable to frequent transfers throughout the country Needless to say, they have common syllabus and are affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi.
Kendriya Vidyalaya ONGC Dehradun holds high, the esteem and pride of being one of the premier educational institutes of Dehradun. One of the Constituent units of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, an autonomous organization under MHRD, Govt. of India, this project sector KV is sponsored by the ONGC Limited. The School has carved a niche on the academic map of the countryby accomplishing all the objectives and targets set by Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan HQ, New Delhi

KV FRI was established on June 1, 1964. It is housed in an 15 acres open land with a rich variety of trees and well maintained beautiful gardens, which are a treat for the eyes. Being a project school, it caters to the children of the employees of FRI and sister institutions. It has emerged as one of the leading educational institutes of Dehradun and the Country. The Vidyalaya is managed by a local Management Committee with the Director FRI as Chairman.

Doon Presidency School
In regard to k-12 education in dehradun Doon Presidency School stands for a well-founded and innovative learning culture and training with high academic standards.
The individual promotion of personality development and a strong community with a variety of cultures and languages are reflected in the educational ideal of the school.

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