Weather in Dehradun
The forecast for the next few days shows generally cloudy skies with a continued chance of rain or thunderstorms. Cloudy sky with a chance of rain, thunderstorms, or dust storms in general.
Today (Tuesday, June 25th): Generally cloudy sky with possibility of rain or thunderstorm or duststorm. High: 34°C, Low: 24°C
Tomorrow (Wednesday, June 26th): Generally cloudy sky with possibility of rain or thunderstorm or duststorm. High: 34°C, Low: 24°C
Thursday (June 27th): Generally cloudy sky with heavy rain. High: 32°C, Low: 23°C
Friday (June 28th): Generally cloudy sky with heavy rain. High: 31°C, Low: 23°C
It’s important to note that this is just a forecast, and the actual weather conditions may vary. I recommend checking an up-to-date forecast before heading out, especially if you’re planning outdoor activities. You can find more details on weather websites or apps.