Reading requires concentration; seek a quiet space, silence your phone, and create a focused environment, such as a cozy corner or a calm library with noise-canceling headphones.
Practice Active Reading Technique
Don't just passively scan words. Engage with the text by asking questions, making predictions, and connecting ideas. Use techniques like the SQ3R method: Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review.
Effective note-taking helps you retain information and understand complex concepts. Use highlighting, summarizing, and mind mapping to capture key ideas. Don't just highlight everything – be selective.
After each chapter, pause and summarize what you've read in your own words
Not all texts require the same reading approach. Academic texts might need slower, more careful reading, while novels can be read more quickly. Learn to adjust your reading speed based on the material.
Don't just read and forget. Take time to reflect on what you've read. Discuss the content with others, write summaries, or connect the material to your existing knowledge.
Reading is a skill that improves with practice. Set realistic goals, create a reading schedule, and gradually increase your reading time and complexity. Consistency is key to becoming a better reader.